A collection of digital paintings, animations, and other visual arts created by Andrew, a game design major specializing in art and animation. Explore the other pages to find more curated works.
Digital painting still life depicting characters from Persona 5.

Pixel animations meant to imitate sprites from old school FPS games like DOOM.
Digital illustrations of item icons that would be found in an RPG like game.

These are concept sketches for an object that is a portable magic distiller. The small images are the initial sketches, while the larger ones are the refined versions of the designs.

Earned a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Game Design from George Mason University. An illustrator and animator for both 2D and 3D art, with a focus on character development.
All art seen above was made in Adobe Photoshop.
Mocha Way Cafe
Mason Mayhem
Links to the work for these projects soon to come